| Our Photo Galery Sholem Descendants Standing is Sheine Idess Litwack [nee Sczvatzman] and sitting left to right: Ed Golden, Sholem Litwack, Esther Rubio [nee Sczvarzman] and Ceil Golden [nee Litwack]. Taken in 1939 at 3321 Perkins Ave, Cincinnati, OH | Standing: Charlie Litwack; Sitting left to right: Max Bernstein, Yenty, Ceil Bernstein (formerly Golden nee Litwack) and two unknown persons. This photograph was taken at a dinner that was given by the family honoring the first and only visit of Yenty [note the corsage] at the Netherland Hotel in Cincinnati at the end of October 1959 | Charlie Litwack in 1911 in Ruzhin, Ukraine | Charlie Litwack in 1938 outside his home on Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH | Charlie Litwack in 1943 | Debbie, Pedro, Joyce, Ester, Jack | Ester | Debbie and Pedro |