| The Trip Over The Ships The S.S. Zeeland The SS ZEELAND brought Miriam, Clara, and Isadore from Antwerp, Belgium on January 12, 1922. Here's some history of that ship: The ship made her first voyage on Apr 13, 1901 going from Antwerp to New York. She was registered under the British flag for the Red Star Line. She was 562 feet long x 60 wide with two funnels and four masts. There were accommodations for 342 First Class, 194 Second Class, and 626 Steerage class passengers. She was powered by 2 propellers; could travel up to 15 knots; and weighed 11,905 gross tons. The ZEELAND changed owners and service a lot, and even names -> On Apr 19, 1910, she was chartered to the White Star Line and started Liverpool to Boston sailings. On Oct 21, 1911 she started Antwerp to Dover to NY sailings for Red Star Line. On Jul 13, 1912, registry was transferred to Belgian but with the same service. On Sep 11, 1914, she returned to the British flag and began Liverpool to NY voyages. Chartered to White Star-Dominion Line, she was used from Nov.1914 on the Liverpool to Quebec to Montreal service; Dec.1914 Liverpool to Halifax to Portland. | 

| Her last voyage on this service started Jan.1915 and she was then transferred to the International Navigation Co., Liverpool and renamed NORTHLAND. Mar.1915 chartered to White Star - Dominion Line for their Liverpool to Halifax to Portland and Liverpool to Quebec to Montreal routes until becoming a troopship. In Aug.1916 she resumed the same services for White Star Dominion Line until Feb.1919 when she was chartered to American Line and sailed Liverpool to Philadelphia for four round voyages. On 18th Aug.1920 she resumed the Antwerp to Southampton to NY service as the ZEELAND under the British flag for Red Star Line, starting her last voyage on 8th Oct.1926. Sold again in 1927 to Atlantic Transport Line, renamed MINNESOTA and fitted with tourist class only accommodation. On Sep 21, 1929, she made last voyage London to NY. She was scrapped at Inverkeithing in 1930. |
The R.M.S. Homeric The R.M.S HOMERIC brought Sam to the U.S. in 1923 from Cherbourg, France. Here's some history of that ship: The HOMERIC was launched in December, 1913 from the F. Schihau yard in Danzig, originally named the Columbus for the Norddeutscher Lloyd ship line. When WWI broke out in 1914, finishing work was suspended. She was given to Britain under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the White Star Line bought her in 1920. She was finished in Germany under the supervision of Harland and Wolff and arrived in Britain on January 31, 1922 and renamed the HOMERIC.
On 15 February 1922, she started her first voyage from Southampton to Cherbourg, France to New York. Though she was the slowest of the 3 ships running this route, she was noted for her steadiness on the water. In late 1923 she was converted from coal to oil burning and her speed increased, but was still considered too slow for the trans Atlantic route. In 1928, the company announced the building of the Oceanic to replace her and she made her last ocean crossing in June, 1932.
| The HOMERIC then began making cruises to the Mediterranean Sea from various ports in Britain. She stopped sailing in September, 1935 and was laid up on the Isle of White, then sold for scrap metal in early 1936 by Thos. W. Ward at Inverkeithing. |
The SS Rhein The SS Rhein brought Harry and Charlie (Charles Litwack descended from Sholem) to Baltimore on July 1914 from Bremen, Germany. Charlie's manifested stated that he was going to his friend Chaskel Litwack (Charles Litwack descended from Yaakov). Here's some history of that ship: The steamship RHEIN, the second of two vessels of this name owned by Norddeutscher Lloyd, was built by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg (yard #137), and launched on 20 September 1899. 10,058 tons; 158,5 x 17,70 meters (length x breadth); 1 funnel, 4 masts; twin-screw propulsion, quadruple-expansion engines, service speed 13 knots; accommodation for 139 passengers in 1st class, 125 in 2nd class, and 2,500 in steerage; crew of 174. | 
The RHEIN was the type-ship of the Norddeutscher Lloyd RHEIN-class of steamships, designed as freight/emigrant carriers. 9 December 1899, maiden voyage, Bremen-New York. 6 May 1900, first voyage, Bremen-Baltimore. 1900-1911, primarily Bremen-New York and/or Baltimore; also used as a naval transport during the Boxer Expedition and later. 11 September 1901, first voyage, Bremen-Suez Canal-Australia. 23 November 1904, last voyage, Bremen-Suez Canal-Australia (4 roundtrip voyages). 1906, passenger accommodation altered to 302 in 2nd class ("including sofas") and 2,774 in steerage. 18 May 1911, first voyage, Bremen- Philadelphia. 9 April 1914, last voyage, Bremen-New York-Baltimore. 16 July 1914, last voyage, Bremen-Baltimore (arrived 29 July). August 1914, interned at Baltimore. 6 April 1917, seized at Baltimore by the U.S. Government; renamed SUSQUEHANNA (U.S. Navy transport). September 1917-September 1919, middle two masts shortened. 1919, transferred to U.S. Shipping Board; laid up. 4 August 1920-6 April 1921, 6 roundtrip voyages in charter to the U.S. Mail Lines, New York - Bremen - Danzig; accommodation for 500 passengers in cabin and 2,500 in 3rd class. 4 March-31 August 1922, 5 roundtrip voyages in charter to the U.S. Lines, New York - Plymouth - Cherbourg - Bremen; laid up. 1925, sold to Fincke, Bangert & Co, Philadelphia. November 1928, sold to Japan for scrapping. 25 February 1929, arrived at Yokohama under the Japanese flag; scrapped. |